(PART 700)

Date: 9/12/2009 5:33:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: "Ted" [full name unknown]
To: David Von Pein


Regardless what postings [you] have on site[,] it doesn't take a ballistic expert nor physics expert to see that Oswald could not have fired the 2 entry shots into JFK[,] not from the angle nor height he was "supposedly" located!


Date: 9/12/2009 9:46:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Von Pein
To: "Ted"


Total nonsense. Oswald could easily have done it. And he did.

Case closed.

You've probably been reading too much Lifton (and Groden).


Date: 9/12/2009 10:15:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: "Ted"
To: David Von Pein


I did my own research and it was obvious there were 3 shooters and Oswald was not one of them[,] as he was in the book depository "kichen" [sic] sipping on a "COKE" when the shootings occured [sic]. [You] only give one version[,] which is totaly [sic] wrong. Reread my 1st [message] on this and reply if willing!


Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald's Guilt
Date: 9/12/2009 10:58:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Von Pein
To: "Ted"


Your research sucks. Because Lee Harvey Oswald was on the sixth floor of the Book Depository firing his rifle at President Kennedy when JFK was being killed in Dealey Plaza.

Do you think it was just a mere coincidence that OSWALD'S very own FRESH fingerprints and palmprints were located all over the boxes in the Sniper's Nest (the exact same tiny area from where the shots were fired)?

And was it just merely another coincidence that bullet shells from OSWALD'S rifle (nobody else's) were found in the very same Sniper's Nest?

And was it another co-inky that OSWALD'S very own rifle (nobody else's) was also found on that same sixth floor 52 minutes after the assassination (with OSWALD'S very own prints being found on that weapon)?*

* And, no, there was no "Mauser" rifle found on the sixth floor at all. That's a myth and always was. Deputies Weitzman and Boone have both gone on record saying they were mistaken about their initial "Mauser" identification. Conspiracy theorists, naturally, refuse to accept Weitzman's and Boone's corrections, however. That is why they (the conspiracy theorists who prop up myths like the "Mauser" story long after the myth has been destroyed) are known as "kooks".

Was all of that physical stuff (which just screams "LEE OSWALD WAS HERE!") merely the work of quick-thinking "plotters" who wanted to frame poor innocent Lee Harvey as their "patsy" for the President's murder?

To believe that all of that "LHO Did It" stuff was manufactured by evil conspirators immediately after the shooting is akin to believing in Superman. In other words--believing in Oswald's innocence regarding the JFK assassination is just plain silly.

BTW, Oswald had NO "Coke" in his hands when he encountered Officer Marrion Baker and Roy Truly in the second-floor "lunchroom" (not "kitchen").

Both Baker and Truly testified that they didn't see ANYTHING in either of Oswald's hands during the lunchroom encounter. Oswald purchased his Coke AFTER he was seen by Baker and Truly.

The evidence of Oswald's guilt (in TWO murders, including the killing of policeman J.D. Tippit) is ten miles deep, and only a total idiot would have the desire to summarily dismiss all of that evidence in favor of conspiratorial silliness (as Oliver Stone, Jim Garrison, Robert Groden, and many others have done since the November 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy).

I'd advise reading this blog (if you can handle an abundance of "common sense").

David Von Pein
September 12, 2009