(PART 688)


There is NO evidence for the bag in any way. Just admit it.


I'll admit nothing of the kind. And you're nuts if you think there is "no evidence" to show that the paper bag was found in the Sniper's Nest on 11/22/63.

The very existence of Commission Exhibits 142 and 626 is, of course, "evidence" of the paper bag that a kook named Caprio wants to make disappear entirely.

What do you think these pictures of CE142 and CE626 are depicting, Rob? Are those images merely figments of everybody's imagination?

Plus, we have J.C. Day's writing on the bag, describing where the bag was found. Is Lieutenant Day telling a whole bunch of lies in the following testimony, Robby?:

DAVID W. BELIN -- "I will now hand you what has been marked as Commission Exhibit 626 and ask you to state if you know what this is, and also appears to be marked as Commission Exhibit 142."

LT. J.C. DAY -- "This is the sack found on the sixth floor in the southeast corner of the building on November 22, 1963."

MR. BELIN -- "Do you have any identification on that to so indicate?"

LT. DAY -- "It has my name on it, and it also has other writing that I put on there for the information of the FBI."

MR. BELIN -- "Could you read what you wrote on there?"

LT. DAY -- ""Found next to the sixth floor window gun fired from. May have been used to carry gun. Lieutenant J. C. Day.""

MR. BELIN -- "When did you write that?"

LT. DAY -- "I wrote that at the time the sack was found before it left our possession."


And there is also the testimony of other police officers, such as L.D. Montgomery and Robert Studebaker, who also said they saw the long brown paper bag inside the Sniper's Nest before it was removed from the building on 11/22/63.

So, the number of liars is growing, eh Rob?


It was their [DPD's] fault for our doubt, as it would have been simple to simply take a photo of the darn thing (and proper procedure by the way) in situ.


Oh, come now, Robby boy. You can't pull this type of pot/kettle crap on me. Because even when evidence IS photographed, you conspiracy clowns still find a way to dismiss it. And you do this all the time, with a prime example being the way you kooks totally dismiss the three bullet shells that were found (and photographed on 11/22/63) inside the Sniper's Nest (CE510).

But even though that picture in CE510 exists, many conspiracy nuts do not believe it shows the shells in the proper place on the floor when the shells were first found. Those kooks would rather believe a proven liar instead--Roger Craig--who said the shells were really lined up in a nice neat row, no more than an inch apart, when they were first discovered. Which is, of course, just silly beyond all possible belief. But many CTers like Craig's story much better than the photo depicted in Commission Exhibit 510, so Craig is the one the CTers will choose to believe.

Another example is the rifle. Oswald's Carcano was photographed in place before Lt. Day and Captain Fritz ever touched it. And Tom Alyea filmed the rifle just after it was removed from the place where Oswald hid it on the sixth floor; and Alyea's film (according to many rifle experts who have examined frames from the film) positively shows Lt. Day handling a Mannlicher-Carcano, not a German-made Mauser.

But does the above still frame from Tom Alyea's film have any impact on the conspiracy theorists who still, to this very day in the year 2012, insist that a Mauser was really found and handled by Lieutenant Day on the Depository's sixth floor? No. And that's because most conspiracy clowns don't really want to know the truth about these matters. They'd rather cling to the old, stale, and proven-to-be-wrong information -- like the Mauser myth.

And what about the 1967 video of Seymour Weitzman admitting on national television that he made an "honest mistake"? Does that video clip do anything at all to dissuade the CTers from continuing to think that Weitzman saw a Mauser on November 22, 1963? No, of course not. Because most JFK conspiracy theorists are more than willing to believe that a whole bunch of police officers (and other people not connected with law enforcement) lied their heads off about various things associated with the JFK murder case.

"To my sorrow, I looked at it and it looked like a Mauser, which I said it was. But I said the wrong one; because just at a glance, I saw the Mauser action....and, I don't know, it just came out as words it was a German Mauser. Which it wasn't. It's an Italian type gun. But from a glance, it's hard to describe; and that's all I saw, was at a glance. I was mistaken. And it was proven that my statement was a mistake; but it was an honest mistake." -- Seymour Weitzman; 1967

David Von Pein
February 23, 2012