(PART 393)

Subject: JFK Article That Might Interest Vince
Date: 12/2/2008 3:07:26 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: David Von Pein
To: Rosemary Newton (Vincent Bugliosi's secretary)


Hi Rosemary,

I'm writing today to send you a lengthy JFK-related article I wrote recently, which debunks many silly pro-conspiracy things that have been spread around the Internet lately on "Black Op Radio" by assassination researcher James DiEugenio.

You probably recognize that guy's name, since Vince mentions James in "RH" ["Reclaiming History"], and, incredibly, Vince was very kind to Jim too. But VB might change his mind about him after reading DiEugenio's multi-part, never-ending anti-RH review that Jim has been writing for months now.

I've debunked and refuted much of DiEugenio's crazy silliness in my Internet articles.

I just thought this might be of interest to both you and Mr. Bugliosi, especially considering the fact that DiEugenio is saying the things he's saying with the intention of undermining and debunking virtually everything Vince has written in "Reclaiming History".

Here's the article:

http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/DVP Vs. DiEugenio

Thanks for your time.

Best regards always,
David Von Pein


Subject: Re: JFK Article That Might Interest Vince
Date: 12/3/2008 12:23:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Rosemary Newton
To: David Von Pein


Hi Dave,

Thanks for sending the DiEugenio article. I'll be sending this to Vince today. And, yes, I remember all too well his name and also his face which has been on TV often enough.

Sometimes I wonder whether logic and common sense has been flushed down the toilet in our society.

Happy holidays to you. Here's hoping there's some snow around in your neck of the woods! Throw a snowball for me and aim it at ignoramuses!!



David Von Pein
December 3, 2008